How to mount an ISO to your VPS

Estimated reading time: 1 min

Mount your own ISO to your VPS via your client area.

This article is deprecated, please use this article to Install Custom OS using ISO file on a VPS.

An ISO image is a virtual copy of an optical disc. A lot of Operating Systems are using ISO images to distribute their software. You can boot from an ISO and install an OS by mounting the ISO in your client area. Make sure that you have a download link to the ISO image as you won’t be able to directly upload the ISO image to your VPS.

You can follow this step-by-step guide to mount your own ISO.

1. Log in to your client area

2. Click on the VPS which you would like to boot from an ISO.

mount iso 1

3. Go to the ”ISO List” tab

mount iso 2

4. Click ”Upload ISO”

mount iso 3

5. Enter the following fields and click ”Submit”

Label = A name for the ISO image to identify
Min Memory size = Depends on the OS
Version = Version to identify
Operationg System and Distribution
Visualization depends on the OS =  Leave it like it is if you dont know which is supported on your OS
And as last paste the file download URL.

iso mount 4

6. Go back to the overview and click ”Boot ISO”

iso mount 5

7. Select your ISO from the list and click ”Boot”

iso mount 6

8. Your VPS will be booted in a minute. Please continue the installation from the console.

iso mount 7

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