How to backup MSSQL in Acronis on Windows Server 2019

Estimated reading time: 1 min


In this tutorial, we’re explaining how to make a backup of MSSQL with Acronis. Acronis is a backup software, disaster recovery, and secure data access provider to consumers, small-medium businesses, and enterprises. Acronis solutions include physical, virtual, and cloud server backup software, storage management, secure file sharing, and system deployment.


Step 1: Log into Acronis

Go to and log in.

Cloud Acronis Log in

Step 2: Backup MSSQL

Click on All devices, then click on the VM with your right mouse button. Then choose Protect.

Cloud Acronis VM Protect

Click Add plan.

Cloud Acronis Add plan

First, make sure Encryption is on. You can do that by clicking the slide bar, then insert your password and click on OK.

Cloud Acronis Encryption

After that, click on the Application backup bar.

Cloud Acronis Application Backup

This window will pop up. Select Yes by Microsft SQL Server. Then click on OK.

Cloud Acronis MSSQL

Next, we’re going to create the protection plan. Do that by clicking Create.

Cloud Acronis Create New Protection Plan

When done there will pop up a message saying New protection plan has been created and applied.

Cloud Acronis Backup Successful


Congratulations, you successfully made a backup of MSSQL in Acronis.

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