How to enable Two-Factor Authentication for DirectAdmin

Estimated reading time: 1 min

Enable a Two-factor Authentication in DirectAdmin

In this article, you will learn how you can enable two-factor authentication for your DirectAdmin user. Please follow the instructions below.


  • A DirectAdmin User
  • Google Authenticator on your phone, or another software/password manager where you can scan the QR code which generates the one-time codes.

Step 1: Log in to DirectAdmin

Go to and log in.

directadmin login

Step 2: Two-Step Authentication

Open  “Two-Step Authentication

2fa directadmin

Step 3: Generate Secret key

Click “Generate Secret” to generate a secret key

da secret

A secret key will be set:

da secret set

Scan the QR code with for example Google Authenticator

Step 4: Configure Settings

Before you can enable the two-factor authentication, check if the settings are correct.

By default “Require valid Two-Step Authentication Code to login to this account” it’s not selected. Do not forget to select it.

da require 2fa

If the settings are correct, test if your 2FA is providing the correct one-time codes. Enter the one-time code in “QR Code” and check if it works. If it works you should see the following pop-up:

qrcode test

Click on “Save” to enable two-factor authentication for your account.

Step 5: Re-login to test two-factor authentication

Log out and re-login to Directadmin to check if two-factor authentication is working. Once the username and password are entered correctly it will ask for your one-time code:

da 2fa login


In this article, we have shown how to enable and use two-factor authentication on DirectAdmin servers.

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