How to solve unhandled abuse complaints

Estimated reading time: 1 min


In this article, you will learn how to find your unhandled abuse complaints and how you can resolve abuse complaints via your client area.


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Step 1: Log in to your client area

Log in to your client area via


Step 2: Unhandled abuse complaint?

At the top of your dashboard menu you can find your unhandled abuse complaints.

unhandled abuse complaint

Step 3: Abuse overview

You can open the unhandled abuse overview by clicking on Unhandled Abuse Complaints or by visiting it directly.

abuseio tickets overview

Step 4: View ticket

Click on the ticket id to open the link with more information regarding the abuse complaint.


A new page will open where you can view our abuse system.

abuseio basic information

You can find the (evidence) of the abuse ticket under Technical Details tab.

abuseio technical details

Step 5: Resolve abuse complaint

Add your answer/reply under the Questions / Resolved tab and change the status to I have resolved the issue and then Submit your answer.

abuseio resolve


In this article, you have learned how to view and resolve your abuse complaints via your client area.

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