Set up Imunify360 on Plesk

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How to Set up Imunify360 on Plesk

In this article, we will explain how you can install and set up Imunify360 on your Plesk server.


Step 1: Log in using SSH

You must be logged in via SSH as sudo or root user. Please read this article for instructions if you don’t know how to connect.

Step 2: Installing Imunify360

Run the following command to install Imunify360 from the command line and register the imunify360 agent.

wget -O

Alternative: Install Imunify360 through Plesk extensions.

imunify360 plesk extension

Step 3: Configure Firewall

When CSF is used you need to enable the “3-rd Party Integration” which can be enabled through “Imunify360 -> Settings -> General”

imunify360 csf integration

Step 4: Kernelcare

Imunify360 comes with Kernelcare integration. You can install Kernelcare without any extra cost. You can find it at “Imunify360 -> Settings> KernelCare”

imunify360 kernelcare integration

When Kernelcare is installed, check if it’s working. Navigate to “Imunify360 -> Kernelcare”.

imunify360 kernelcare

Step 5: Configure Imunify360

Navigate to “Imunify360 -> Settings -> General”.

WAF Settings
Apply CMS-specific WAF Rules = Enabled
Minimized ModSec Ruleset = Disabled
WordPress Account Compromise Prevention = Enabled
DoS Protection
When CSF is enabled, this feature is disabled and managed by CSF.
SMTP Traffic Management

We keep this feature disabled since we provide smarthost which prevents SPAM.

Incidents logging
Log level = 4
Keep incidents for the last days = 100
Keep maximum incidents count = 100000
Auto-refresh time for Incidents page = 10
Send additional data = deselected
Enable WebShield = Enabled
Detect IPs behind CDN = Enabled
Anti-bot protection = Enabled
Google reCAPTCHA service  = Disabled
Active response = Enabled


PAM brute-force attack protection = Enabled
Error reporting

We disable error reporting to Imunify360

Contact details

Enter an email address to receive security notifications about your server.

Step 6: Configure Imunify360 Malware

Navigate to “Imunify360 -> Settings -> Malware”

Resource consumption
We keep the default values low to prevent the server from causing load during scans.
Automatically scan all modified files = Enabled
Optimize real-time scan = Enabled
Automatically scan any file uploaded using web = Enabled
Automatically scan any file uploaded using FTP = Enabled
Automatically send suspicious and malicious files for analysis = Enabled
Try to restore from backup first = Disabled 
Use backups not older than (days)  = 90
Default action on detect = Cleanup
Enable RapidScan = Enabled
Binary (ELF) malware detection = Enabled
Malware Database Scanner = Enabled
Background Scanning
Run scanning = Weekly
Run on = Sunday
Run at = 3:00 AM
Trim file instead of remove = Enabled
Keep original files for =  14 days
Proactive Defense
Enable blamer = Enabled
PHP Immunity = Enabled

Step 7: Disabled Rules

Navigate to “Imunify360 -> Settings -> Disabled Rules”

We disable the following rules in Imunify360.

214920 modsec " IM360 WAF: Inbound Points|Total Incoming Points; Known for creating lot of False Positives" all
77316844 modsec "Blocks Post SMTP" all

Step 8: Features Management

In this section, you can enable “Proactive Defense” and “Malware Cleanup” for your users, navigate to “Imunify360 -> Settings -> Features Management”. We activate both features for our own users in order to protect their websites and give them the ability to clean up their website if it’s infected.

Step 9: Notifications

By default, no notification is sent. In this section, you can configure the notifications based on your needs, navigate to “Imunify360 -> Settings -> Notifications”. We have entered a “Default admin emails” and enabled the following notifications “Real-Time scan: malware detected” and “Script blocked”.


You now know how to install and set up Imunify360 on your Plesk server. In case that you need any support or issues related to Imunify360 product, read the Imunify360 support article.



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