How to change the hostname on Windows Server 2012

Estimated reading time: 1 min

Learn how to change your hostname on Windows Server 2012

In this tutorial, you will learn how to change your hostname on Windows Server 2012. 


  • VPS or Dedicated Server with Windows Server 2012 installed.
  • You have to be logged in as an administrator.

Step 1: Log in to Windows Server 2012 with RDP

Connect to your server with the login credentials that you can find in your client area.

Step 2: Changing the hostname

In the down left corner click on the Windows logo.

Server manager 2012

Navigate to This PC and click on it with your right mouse button. Then click Properties.

Windows Server 2012 Start

Now go to Computer name and click on Change settings.

Windows Server 2012 change settings

Click on Change that you can find next to To rename this computer or change its domain or workgroup, click Change.

Windows Server 2012 System properties

Now type in the name you want to change it to. When you are finished click OK.

Windows Server 2012 computer name

To apply the changes you have to restart your computer. Click OK and restart your computer.

Windows Server 2012 restart computer


Congratulations, you hav now learned how to change the hostname on Windows Server 2012.

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