Account Setup Guide: Email with iOS Mail

Estimated reading time: 1 min

Set Up a Microsoft 365, Exchange, or with iOS mail

In this article, we’ll show you how to set up your Microsoft 365 account on your Apple iOS mobile device.


  • Active MS365 account
  •  iPhone device

Step 1: Add the Microsoft 365, Exchange, or account

  • Go to your iPhone or iPad’s Settings > scroll down and tap Accounts & Passwords > Add Account.

Ios accounts & passwords screen

Note: If you’re on iOS 10, go to Mail > Accounts >Add Account.

  • Select Exchange or Outlook.

Step 2: Add your e-mail and password

  • Enter your Microsoft 365, Exchange, or email address and a description of your account. Tap Next.

  • Tap Sign In.

  • Enter the password associated with your email account. Tap Sign in or Next.

  • The Mail app may request certain permissions. Tap Accept.

  • Choose the services you want to sync with your iOS device and tap Save. You’re done!

Test sending an email from the account to ensure setup is working correctly.

To do this, open Mail and go to “Compose” to write a new message. When ready, tap “Send” and wait for a few moments to see if the email has been sent. If everything went through as planned, you’ll be able to see the new sent message in your outbox. Congratulations, your account is now set up!

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