SMTP relay in Windows Server 2019 with MailEnable on Plesk

Estimated reading time: 1 min


In this article, you will learn how to configure an SMTP relay (Smarthost) on your Windows Server 2019 with control panel Plesk


  • Cloud VPS or Dedicated Server with Windows Server 2019 installed.
  • You must be logged in via Remote Desktop Protocol as an administrator user.
  • Installed Windows Plesk with MailEnable and an administrative user.

Step 1 – Log in to Windows using RDP

To follow this tutorial, you need to connect to your Windows Server using RDP.

Step 2 – Log in to Plesk Control panel

If you have a running Plesk server, simply browse and log in as an administrator user. You may get a certificate warning as Plesk uses self-signed certificates to secure the connection. You can proceed to the web page as it is perfectly safe.

Step 3 – Configure the mail server

Click on the Windows icon and navigate to Mail Enable -> MailEnable


A new screen will be opened and navigate to MailEnable Management->Servers->localhost->SMTP, right-click on SMTP and open the Properties of SMTP.


Open the Smart Host tab and Select checkbox Smart Host Enabled. Enter the following values by IP/Domain, Port 587. Select checkbox Domain smart hosting takes priority. Apply the changes by clicking on OK.


Step 4 – Navigate to SMTP Settings in Plesk

On the left sidebar click on Tools and Settings and open External SMTP Server under Mail.


Check if the checkbox Use the mail server installed with Plesk and the default mail account created by Plesk is selected. If not, then select this checkbox and click on OK.



Congratulations, you have configured your Windows Server 2019 to send outgoing emails via the SMTP relay (Smarthost) of


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