How to add additional IPv4 on Windows Server 2019

Estimated reading time: 1 min


Below we have described how you can configure IPv4 on Windows Server. Please make sure that you follow the steps in the support article.


  • Windows Server login credentials with administrator permissions
  • Additional IPv4 address

Step 1 – Log in to your server

Log in to your server via RDP

Step 2 – Open Control Panel

Open the Start menu and click Control Panel

additional ipv4 address control panel

Step 3 – Open Netwerk Configuration

Open Network and Internet

additional ipv4-address network center

Open Network and Sharing Center

additional ipv4 address network center

Click Change adapter settings on the left sidebar

additional ipv4 address network change

Step 4 – Add Additional IPv4

Right click on the network device and click Properties

additional ipv4 address network connections properties

Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and click Properties

additional ipv4 address network ethernet properties ipv4

Click Advanced

additional ipv4-address network advanced properties

In the IP Settings tab click Add

additional ipv4 address network properties add

Enter the IPv4 address and subnet mask

network ipv4 properties add ipv4

Click Add

Click OK in Advanced TCP/IP Settings

Click OK in Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) Properties

Click Close to close the network device configuration

Windows is blocking ICMP request by default. Before proceeding with step 5 check if Windows Firewall is blocking ICMP packets for IPv4. Otherwise you will not get any response from the server.

Step 5 – Test IPv4 Address

The final step is to check whether the configured additional IPv4 is working. Open command prompt or terminal on your local computer. You can find the commands below per Operating System.








If you followed this article you should have an additional IPv4 address on your server.

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  1. BARRY says

    What IP address should I enter?
    Can I just create any #s for an IP address?
    How many additional IPs can I create?
    This server is showing one private IP address of

    My purpose is to host 10 to 15 websites on this dedicated Server 2019. This server will only be used to host web sites. I would like to bind each IP to a specific domain.

    • Yavuz Aydin says

      What IP address you should add depends on your network topology.

      Having said that you don't need additional IP addresses to host multiple websites, every webserver I know supports the concept of virtual hosts which will show the correct content for any given website based on the hostname in the URL someone enters to visit the website.

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