Windows 10 Error: “This app can’t open”

Estimated reading time: 1 min


When starting the browser Microsoft Edge or another app in Windows 10 you may get the following error: This app can’t open. Microsoft Edge cannot be opened using Built-in Administrator account. Sign in with a different account and try again. In this tutorial, you will learn how you can fix this error. 



  • Windows 10
  • Internet connection
  • Access to administrator settings

Step 1: Create your own users

We advise you to create your own users as outlined in this article and disable the built-in administrator account.

Step 2: Enable UAC

User Account Control (UAC) needs to be enabled if you want to be able to use Microsoft Edge and other apps. First click on Start -> type in “user accounts” -> click on “User Accounts”:


On the next screen click on “Change User Account Control Settings”:


On the next screen set the slider to the 3rd option from the bottom:


Click on OK to save.

Step 3: Reboot

Click on Start -> type cmd -> hit Enter:


On the command prompt type “shutdown /r /t 0” to reboot:



Congratulations, you have successfully fixed the error “This app can’t open” in Windows 10.

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