How much do you charge for IPv4 addresses?

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We charge 2 euro per month per IPv4 address for Cloud VPS Plans and Dedicated servers. The quantity that we allocate differs per server. 

Do you need more IPv4 addresses?

You can only order more IPv4 addresses when the current IPv4 addresses are fully justified. You need to explain why you need the extra IP addresses and they need to be fully justified according to the RIPE policies. After we have approved this, you will be able to order more IP addresses through your client area. We do a regular check to see whether the IPs are used for the right purposes. When we find out that the IPv4 addresses are used for other purposes than you have provided we will send you one warning. If you don’t act in time, the assigned IP addresses will be withdrawn.

For what purposes will I get a rejection?

Extra IPv4 addresses will not be assigned for purposes such as SEO, vhosts and mail servers.

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